
We were able to accomplish so much in 2015, we can’t even keep track–so to help us share with you, here is our year in review!

1. 226 South Shore residents learned about the nature and history of our rivers on our brand new pontoon boat

2. 120 Attendees at our annual Harvest Moon Feast to support our educational programs

3. Over $150,00 approved for a kayak launch and trail improvement project on the South River

4. 1 New WaterSmart businesses program developed and implemented

5. 8 Weeks of water quality monitoring on the North and South rivers

6. 2 studies conducted in the Watershed
– Modeling of municipal well impacts on 3rd
– Herring Brook in Norwell and Hanover
Chandler Pond dam removal study

7. 1 New watering restriction adopted in Scituate

8. 99 Boats launched during our Great River Race

9. 85 runners ran our 5k along the South River

10. 32.2 acres saved on the North River forever

11. 26 fifth grade classes were enrolled in our Water All Around You Program

12. $140,000 raised to remove Tack Factory dam on the Third Herring Brook

13. 76 miles paddled to support our river restoration programs

14. >100 volunteers counted river herring at 4 locations

15. Around 15,000 Gallerucella beetles raised to control Purple Loose Strife