
Over 15 families from the NSRWA and Scituate Education Foundation volunteered recently to participate in a coastal restoration project by planting beachgrass on the dunes of Peggotty Beach. This planting was originally planned as an education service program for students from Cushing and Jenkins elementary schools. With generous support from Scituate Education Foundation (SEF), the grasses were purchased and ready to be planted. But due to the current situation, the students were unable to participate. However, the NSRWA was able to pivot and turn to eager members of the community for help. What was once thought to be a cancelled program became a great opportunity for active members and families to engage in meaningful service for the community.

American beachgrass, or Ammophila breviligulata is a key part of our coastal ecosystems.  It provides habitat for native animals and gives stability to the dynamic areas of a beach or dune. Coastal beaches and dunes play a major role in the defense against heavy waves and flooding. Beachgrass helps capture and hold sand, stabilizing the dune, thus helping it withstand dramatic weather and erosion and ultimately helping protect the inland areas. Beaches and dunes are under constant bombardment from wind, waves, and coastal development. By planting this grass, we are helping the coastal habitat, its native flora and fauna, as well as helping protect our inland land and water. A special thanks to the Scituate Education Foundation and the members of the community who safely came out to help!

In addition to helping plant, volunteers were provided an educational video (see below) on the importance of dunes to maintaining our coasts and the role of beachgrass in stabilizing it.